
A great opportunity for residents and guests of the capital to see all the main sights of the city from an unusual angle, plunging into the history of the city and gastronomic discoveries.


New generation Flotilla yachts include 10 snow-white beauty yachts designed for year-round sightseeing and entertainment cruises along the Moskva River, as well as for magnificent banquets, crowded conferences and happy weddings.


River romance for true lovers, when it’s just the two of you and everything for you.


Interactive show. Culture, food and beautiful views are an integral part of the entertainment program for any tourist who wants to really feel the spirit of the Capital.


Спецрейсы обычно проводятся в честь различных праздников: 8 марта, день рождения Флотилии, романтический круиз и другие события.

Экскурсии без остановок

Как превратить петляющую речку в магистраль?

Где находится Зеленый клин и что такое Московская кругосветка?

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